Sweatcoin的使用者,最近有沒有收到一封sweatcoin的email呢?Email的主題就是『sweatcoin influencer第一屆推薦比賽開跑囉』。
為期約三周時間(2021.08.16~2021.09.09) 的第一屆推薦比賽最後會有六位幸運兒會獲得獎金或獎品,第一名可獲得1000美金、第二名200美金、第三名100美金。另外會再隨機抽出三位幸運兒,分別可獲得 AirPod Pros (或 $200 美金)、2,500 Sweatcoins、1,750 Sweatcoins
s這次的『sweatcoin influencer第一屆推薦比賽』被選上可以參加的國家有這些,也代表著你推薦的好友數量要高於50%是這些國家來的就符合遊戲喔。
- T&C apply; this contest is only available to influencers in select countries. This includes influencers from Germany, Austria, Finland, Denmark, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Norway, The Netherlands, Sweden, Ireland, Switzerland, Iceland. >50% of your invites need to come from the above countries to count.
另外,從2021.08.16開始,新加入sweatcoin的使用者的會員等級也從原本的5級改變到2級囉,就是簡化一下分級的級數而已,對於原本的mover 還有 shaker來說,是很大的優惠喔,mover 原本只能賺5個汗幣,制度改變後現在一天可以賺10個汗幣,然後shaker本來每個月會被扣4.95個汗幣,現在也不用扣囉。(詳情會寫在2021年使用sweatcoin App須知,請自行轉台閱讀)
Hey Sweatcoin Influencers!
Today, we’re announcing our very first competition with over $1,500 to win for 6 lucky winners! The competition will run from August 16th to September 9th. The goal is to invite as many people within this timeframe as possible. There will be a leaderboard in the app which ranks the top influencers. At the end of every week, we will post the top 10 influencers on our Instagram page @promotesweatcoin
There are prizes for the top 3 influencers on the leaderboard and we also have 3 raffle prizes available which will be randomly allocated to any influencer that participates in the competition and successfully invites at least 10 people. Check out the amazing prizes on offer below! Good luck and happy influencing!
Leaderboard Prizes:
1st Place: $1,000 USD in Cash
2nd Place: $200 USD in Cash
3rd Place: $100 USD in Cash
Raffle Prizes:
1st Place: AirPod Pros or $200 USD in Cash
2nd Place: 2,500 Sweatcoins
3rd Place: 1,750 Sweatcoins
To enter the Competition, all you have to do is fill out our Competition form (scroll down) with your Sweatcoin username and your social media handles.
ENTER the Contest NOW
- T&C apply; this contest is only available to influencers in select countries. This includes influencers from Germany, Austria, Finland, Denmark, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Norway, The Netherlands, Sweden, Ireland, Switzerland, Iceland. >50% of your invites need to come from the above countries to count.